Q. Do you really offer FREE AIR TRAVEL?
A. YES! Your MEMBERSHIP determines the amount of domestic travel (trips) you receive. In addition we return a portion of your MEMBERSHIP FEES at the end of 12 months having also covered or reimbursed your air travel!

Q. Is this legit? Is there any way I can lose my money?
A. It is legit. Actually, MORE than legit! You receive Free Air Travel, receive reimbursements, discounts, perks and more, far more than the eventual cost of fees.

Q. Do you book my travel?
A. Yes, or you can do so directly at your own convenience. Simply sign up with your email address at the travel site link we send to you, once your payment clears. For those signing up as Students or Employees, you will receive access once you are in good-standing after 60-90 days.

Q. Why do you charge MEMBERS fees?
A. The majority of businesses that charge fees PROFIT from Member Fees. We actually “flipped the script” with a new business model that grows the fees, then REWARD our Members a portion of their fees BACK. It’s a NEW economy and we are presenting discounted air travel in a new way with significant added benefits to YOU. Think of it like this… by putting some of your money into a space that gives you back something more, it is far more beneficial than leaving it where it barely grows or spending it with little or nothing to show for it. We help you maximize it’s value and let it fuel your travel experiences. Our initial concept was to focus on helping those on a tight budget set a little aside each month to insure they could enjoy traveling more often, while offering travel savings for them and thousands of others at the same time!

Q. Am I investing in your business?
A. You are not investing in us. Like other businesses we do purchase inventory and resell it to grow our business. This also allows us to offer it back to you offsetting the Member Fees you paid and helps to cover the travel awarded or reimbursed to you by us.

Q. What things do I get in return for my Fees?
A. You get some of the Fees back themselves. The higher the membership, the greater the return! If that’s not amazing enough… you get free travel, discounts, booking services which promote a ‘Travel Lifestyle’ for you leading to a more enriching life experience, or so one would assume.

Q. Can I get my money back.
A. Your membership is a twelve (12) month commitment which is non-refundable. However, once the agreed term (12 months) has completed you will receive the percentage of your fees back according to the membership you selected and you keep the Free Travel.

Q. How do I know it is not some scam?
A. We are a Hawaii registered company with physical offices in two states and growing. You will receive an invoice once your initial purchase of $1 clears our bank stating the terms in your contract (accessible in 7 working days).

Q. What do I have to pay for? Can you spell it out?
A. Of course! You choose a membership and pay or make payments on it. When you book a trip you pay for it. After your trip (in about 30 days) you are reimbursed the airfare in accordance with the membership plan you chose. Once your plan goes full term (twelve months) in alignment with your plan, your member fees are returned. Unless you prefer to apply them toward membership fees for the following year so you can continue to FlyFree!

Q. How do I choose which flight?
A. For greatest savings always book the lowest fare available 15-30 days before your desired trip, booking to depart and return on a Tues/Wed/Thur whenever possible as they seem lowest and avoiding holidays. We reimburse the amount which represents the lowest possible fare from the major/international airport nearest your actual residence (or current school) and your chosen destination (domestic), available within 30 days of your ticket date. Any costs above that rate for seat choice, meals or beverages, added services, entertainment, priority, baggage etc. will not be reimbursed. Tips for selecting lowest fares include selecting economy fares and lowest published carrier and routes that have 1 or more stops (layovers).

Q. Can I make money in the Travel space sharing your brand?
A. Glad you asked, YES! You can become a travel representative and invite family and friends to Fly Free. Just contact us and put “Influencer” in the subject line. We can even help you grow your very own side-hustle in the travel space!


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